Saturday, 25 November 2023

Pertamina Builds 26 Gas Stations Violating Rules


PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Regional Sumbagsel provided guidance to 26 public fuel filling stations or gas stations in Jambi Province which were found to have committed violations from January to October 2023.

Area Mana Communication, Relations & CSR PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Sumbagsel Tjahyo Nikho Indrawan in Jambi , Saturday (25/11/2023) emphasized that his party provides guidance to gas stations that violate operational, service and compliance aspects in the distribution of subsidized fuel.

guidance in the form of warnings or warnings, temporary suspension of subsidized fuel supply, payment of fines for the difference in subsidized prices until the termination of business relations (PHU).

In the period January to October 2023, PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Regional Sumbagsel has provided guidance for 26 gas stations in Jambi Province. Dozens of gas stations were found to have committed various violations, including filling subsidized fuel to consumers using jerry cans and repeatedly filling vehicles using modified tanks.

The sanctions that have been given, he said, include giving warning letters and temporarily stopping the distribution of subsidized fuel.

he said that the imposition of sanctions was based on PT Pertamina’s independent investigation as well as public reports regarding the practice of misuse of subsidized fuel distribution which was confirmed by the independent investigation.

Nicko explained that the guidance provided was aimed at ensuring the distribution of subsidized fuel was on target and in accordance with the regulations.

He said that Pertamina Patra Niaga Regional Sumbagsel continues to ensure that energy distribution for the community remains safe and does not experience problems.

“Pertamina continues to make targeted distribution efforts in accordance with user sectors in Government Regulation Number 191 of 2014 so that the quota that has been prepared is sufficient until the end of the year,” he said.

Violation of subsidized fuel distribution in Aceh

Meanwhile, the day before, the Downstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Agency (BPH Migas) found indications of misuse of subsidized fuel distribution at gas stations in the Aceh Besar area, Aceh, Friday (24/11/2023).

BPH Migas Committee members Abdul Halim and Harya Adityawarman found gas station operators using one QR code for more than one vehicle.

“QR codes that do not match the vehicle registration number may not be served for subsidized fuel and will be blocked immediately,” said Halim.

Meanwhile, BPH Migas Committee Member Harya Adityawarman said that the method of misappropriating subsidized fuel must be taken seriously, because the quantity of subsidized goods is limited, the price is the same and consumers who use it have also been regulated.

He revealed that both BPH Migas, PT Pertamina Patra Niaga, and gas stations are parties that support each other so that subsidized fuel is provided to eligible consumers.

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