Sunday 31 December 2023

7 Alternative Routes for the Puncak Route on New Year`s Eve and Opening and Closing Schedule


During the holiday season, the trip from Jakarta to Puncak-Bogor can take longer due to traffic jams and open and close schedules. However, since 2023, this schedule will be adjusted to the congestion situation on Jalan Raya Puncak-Bogor.

To avoid uncertainty in opening and closing schedules and traffic jams, it is recommended to look for alternative routes. Here are 7 alternative Puncak-Bogor routes from Jakarta to avoid traffic jams:

Alternative Puncak Bogor Route via Katulampa

Exit via the South Bogor Toll Gate and choose Jalan Katulampa. Please be careful and reduce speed because this route passes through narrow roads in residential areas. The journey ends at Pasir Angin Village, then head to Simpangan Gadog and turn left to Puncak Bogor.

Alternative route to Puncak Bogor via Cinangka

From Pasir Angin Village, direct the vehicle to Cikatapis. Arriving at Cisarua Police Station or Simpang Megamendung, turn left to Puncak Pas Bogor.

Alternative route to Puncak Bogor via Puncak II

Choose the Puncak II route across Batulawang Village, Cianjur, West Java. Pay attention to the condition of the path which may be slippery due to landslides. This route is considered the main solution to overcome traffic jams.

Alternative route to Puncak Bogor via Bukit Pelangi

Exit the South Sentul Toll Road, choose the route to Babakan Madang or Bukit Pelangi. Pass the Megamendung Bridge and turn right at Simpang Gadog. Take the direction Cibedug, then to Arca Domas and continue to Megamendung Police Station. After passing several villages you arrive at Citeko Village, near Cisarua Market.

Alternative Route to Puncak Bogor Via Cilember

After Simpang Megamendung, enter the small road on the left towards Cilember. If heading to Taman Safari or Puncak Pas Bogor, exit via Cibeureum.

Apart from the five routes above, you can also choose alternative route to peak via CibuburCianjur via Jonggol with the Cibubur-Cileungsi-Jonggol Cariu-Cikalong-Cianjur route.

The next alternative route is the Ciawi-Cianjur route via Sukabumi. The route you are taking is Ciawi-Cicurug-Cibadak-Kota Sukabumi-Cianjur

By choosing a suitable alternative route, the journey to Puncak-Bogor can be smoother. Keep driving safely and comfortably.

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