Thursday, 21 December 2023

BCL Uploads Photo of Tiko Aryawardhana Embracing Noah Sinclair, Netizens Even Fight About Hand Positions


Bunga Citra Lestari’s relationships and family were in the spotlight after she married Tiko Aryawardhana. It wasn’t just his marriage that impressed and surprised many people.

But also with the new family that BCL had to start, with Noah Sinclair, the son of her late ex-husband, Ashraf Sinclair.

Since getting married, closeness, gestures and expressions, BCL, Tiko Aryawardhana has never been out of the spotlight of netizens. As in the latest upload.

On Instagram, BCL has just uploaded several photos of Aryawardhana having dinner together. In the upload, BCL and Tiko Aryawardhana are matching black clothes.

“Food is my love language” wrote BCL in the caption.

Meanwhile Noah Sinclair wore a bright sky blue outfit. From a number of photos uploaded by netizens, there is one photo that attracts attention, namely when Noah Sinclair embraces Tiko Aryawardhana.

“Her arms fit to hug a BCL child like half,” said one netizen.

However, this comment actually received criticism from other netizens. Like one of them who felt that this comment actually ruined BCL’s happy moment.

“If they all feel happy with their “new family”, why does it have to be ruined by comments like this… everyone needs a process to accept each other…” said another netizen.

As is known, building a relationship between a father and son is often not easy. But there are several ways that might be done. The following are several summaries from a number of sources.

Activities Together Every Day

Find activities you can do together, such as sports, playing games, cooking, or organizing outdoor activities.

Find a Hobby Together

Find relatable activities, such as soccer or collecting Pokemon cards, to strengthen relationships.

Be Interested in Their Lives

Get to know your stepchildren’s interests and lives, show interest, and offer support when needed.

Clarify Your Role

Establish clear roles as parents together, and communicate with the biological father to reach a good solution.

Listening Skills

Practice good listening skills, present yourself in conversation, to connect better with stepchildren.

Support from Spouse

Make sure your partner is also supportive of your relationship with your stepchildren, and talk about ways he or she can help.

Establish a Relationship with the Biological Father

Strive for a good relationship with the biological father to support harmony in the family.

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